Tuesday, May 10, 2011

fangs and blood and supernatural occurences

I've become like those infatuated teenage girls and their vampire lovers selling their souls and crossing over to the other side... or transitioning.

I am now obsessed with Vampire Culture. Books, movies, TV shows, the whole gamut.

I know, I know; I'm about four years too late and 15 years too old. And I'll admit, when this whole vampire craze started, I refused to participate in the trend. I had read the original vampire story --DRACULA-- and was not going to enter into this frivolous modern-day vampire romance nonsense. (Also, I'm not a 13 year old girl.)

So how did this new obsession come to be?

Well, to make a long story short, I was deeply grieving after my LOST marathon on Netlix ended, so I had to find a new "thing." (Again, I was late with the whole Lost thing, but that's another story. Needless to say, a year after the show officially ended, I finally finished the series and was suffering from withdrawal. So onto Vampires!)

I have already watched the first three Twilight movies, but hadn't actually read the books, so I requested the audio versions of them from my library, and now my commute completely flies by because I am entranced in this ridiculous story! Also ridiculous is the CW show, The Vampire Diaries...but I do admit I'm kinda hooked on it. And as you can see from the previous post, I just got two Vampire Diary books from the library. What is going on?

When that True Blood show started on HBO, I was actually watching it in real time. That was the only vampire thing I was following. But then HBO was cancelled and I've missed everything after season 1. Then! A year ago, JT told me about the books! Finally, I got the first book of the series and will somehow start to read that along with The Vampire Diaries and all those other books I got from the library.

Maybe I'm overdoing it a little bit?

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