Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Gone With the Wind Project: Part 2

Important!:  I have never read this book or watched the movie.  I don't know anything about what happens in this story, so please don't spill the beans! 

Day 1:  32 pages
Day 2:  37 pages

Wow, I am really right on track with this project!

Day 3:  18 pages
I have to admit I'm not really in the mood for reading right now, but I'll try to get through a few pages before The Husband gets home and I start dinner.  I do really like this book so far.  Starting chapter 5!

(Page 77)  The lingo of Mammy and the other slaves slows up my reading.  I can hardly figure out what they're saying that I have to actually mouth it out loud to myself.

(Page 83)  Scarlett is a poor deluded girl with her crazy ideas about eloping with Ashley tonight!  I can't believe it.

Day 4:  19 pages

Day 5:  36 pages
I'm already way behind in my reading, but it's hard to get even thirty pages in on a weekend.  I know that might sound backwards, but I actually have more time to read during the week.  Anyway, so far I love this book.  The characters are easily relatable and the descriptions are beautiful.  I love this time period and love reading about thel lives of people who lived during that time.  Scarlett is quite humorous in the way that she lets her imagination about Ashley Vilkes carry her away.  It seems that teenagers have not changed since 1861.

Day 6:  7 pages  (EEKS!)

Day 7:  3 pages!
 I ordered my own copy of Gone With the Wind from Amazon and it arrived today!  Yay!  The page numbering is all off, so I have to re-do my personal reading chart.  According to the this new book, I should be up to page 241.  I'm only at page 166.  Yikes; way behind.   This is truly sad.  I know I shouldn't, but I'm counting on my many hours on a plane tomorrow to catch up.

I can't believe Scarlett was so stupid to rush into marrying Charles just to get back at Ashley and all the gossiping girls.  I mean, didn't she think things through for one second?  Now she's moping around and hates her life because she's not only married to a man she despises but is a sixteen year old WIDOW?  Sorry, but it's kinda her fault so I have no sympathy for her.  It seriously sounds like a miserable, hopeless situation.

Day 8:  91 pages
So I was able to catch up, but I'm still not where I should be.  Sigh.  I could have probably read a lot more on the plane, but my eyes get so dry on planes and it's hard to read for long periods of time without having to take time to rest and doze off once in awhile.  I should be at page 272 and I'm still only at page 258.

Things are starting to get very interesting with our dear Scarlett O'Hara.  She is causing quite the scandal in Atlanta by breaking the rules of mourning and starting to flirt with boys again.  I don't really agree with her actions since the custom at that time was to mourn the loss of your husband for several years, but I'm also glad that Rhett convinced her to not care what everyone else thinks and to start thinking for herself.  Is she ahead of her time?  A feminist in her own right?  I'm not sure about that because she still is very selfish, spoiled and immature.  Melanie is far too kind to Scarlett.  I actually want to cry because Melanie is so loving and unselfish and giving towards others.  Even when the rest of the town refuses to receive Rhett Butler, Melanie continues to take him and show him kindness and respect!  She is the complete opposite of Scarlett O'Hara and I love her.  Scarlett just needs to give up her ridiculous ideas of Ashley Wilkes and move on with her life already.

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