Thursday, July 7, 2011

The End of an Era!

Well, I can officially say that I've read all four of the Twilight books, if that even means anything.  I guess I'm now just hip with it and can pat myself on the back for keeping up with pop culture.  Yes! 

Technically, I listened to all four books, but what's the difference, right?  I tried to actually read this fourth installment, but I missed too much the storytelling of Ilyana Kadushin - who had read the other three books - so I went back to listening. 

After the snooze fest of Eclipse, I was somewhat reluctant to get back into this series.  However, I knew I would eventually get to Breaking Dawn, and after a saw a preview for the movie, I thought I might as well read it now so that any future previews wouldn't give anything away. 

It was a pleasant relief from Eclipse; a lot more interesting and in some instances even riveting!  Although I still had the gag reflex every time Bella clamored on about how sweet Edwards breath was in her face, I didn't mind this book and I actually enjoyed it.  Obviously it's a Young Adult novel, but I appreciate the characterization and the emphasis on family values and morality.  Despite the fact that the author has created a world of supernatural creatures, she has also masterfully implied the importance of innocence, loyalty, and love throughout all four of these books.  I would not hesitate to allow my child (if I had one) to read these books.  As much as I constantly rolled my eyes at Bella's infatuation with Edward, I couldn't argue against his utmost love and respect for her.  He always treated her with gentle kindness and never allowed himself to give in to her subtle persuasions. 

The first part of Breaking Dawn was a sweet love story of Bella and Edwards marriage and honeymoon.  But I do have to admit, I'm a sucker for wedding stories, since my own wedding was less than a year ago.  I was still torn about the idea of Edward turning Bella into a vampire, and at one point I was relieved when Bella started having second thoughts and even suggesting they wait a couple more years in order for her to attend Dartmouth after all.  See?  It was all just working out perfectly!  Bella and Edward could truly live happily ever after as human and vampire...

Well, that was just the beginning.  I'll just say that the rest of the book became quite exciting with all sorts of vampire, human, and werewolf action.  The ending wasn't quite was I was expecting, but I am okay with that.  If nothing else, it was all wrapped up appropriately and efficiently.  Enough said.  I'm excited to see how they will create this book into a movie, and I am not ashamed to admit I will probably be sitting among teeny-bopper mania during opening weekend.

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